Back in June, we heard from our friends Chris and Peter Cook from Climate For Change about the confronting realities of how and why burning fossil fuels is leading to significant health and environmental impacts right across the globe.
We discussed various actions we can take, from the individual, through to collective, community and citizen actions and which of those are the most effective.
We were inspired to learn just how much impact a conversation can have, from chatting to someone in the supermarket, to hosting your very own conversation.
There was even some climate cake to round out a great evening.
We support the vision of an Australia in which climate action is a top priority and sure hope to collaborate more with Climate For Change as importance of switching to clean renewable energy, ending native forest logging and the drawdown of carbon become all the more urgent each and every day.
If you are interested in hosting a climate conversation in your home with friends, family or your wider network, contact Climate for Change HERE.
We highly recommend the process and applaud the work Chris and Peter are doing with C4C – we love it when our vision/mission aligns with other organisations.