Active Transport

We are your local collective for better, safer, healthier streets. 

Support Active Transport in Moonee Valley

We are your local collective for better, safer, healthier streets. We are ordinary residents and shoppers of all ages and abilities who want to be able to move safely, comfortably, and conveniently around Moonee Valley and to nearby areas, irrespective of whether we walk, roll on a wheelchair, cycle, use public transport or drive.

Here you can find support to make the change you want to see in your part of Moonee Valley.

Let us help you champion that change!

How can we make positive change?

Since we first formed in 2023 we have surveyed local people and learned that there are many ways in which Moonee Valley needs better streets for walkers and cyclists. But little is being spent to make these changes happen.

We need champions for change speaking out when they see what needs done! You can be a champion.

People walking down a path alongside the Maribyrnong river

Active transport targets

We recognise that best practice requires 20% of council and state transport budgets to be for active transport and that we are a long way from that. We know that a safer climate requires us to switch to 5% more active transport per year this decade. We need our state and local government to make this safe and possible.

Man riding bike along Mount Alexander Road with cars in the background

We endorse Better Streets campaign goals

  • Get kids active: Encourage 75% of children to walk, cycle, scoot, or take public transport to school everyday, setting them up for healthy habits for life.
  • Slow vehicles down: Adopt 30km/h speeds for local residential streets, and urban centres to significantly reduce avoidable injuries and fatalities.
  • Boost local businesses: Improve and expand beautiful streetscapes that people enjoy spending time and money in.
  • Make more crossings: Encourage walking and improve safety with 20 new or improved crossings in Moonee Valley each year.
  • Provide transport choices: Across Australia, add another 1,000 kilometres (approx. 5 km in Moonee Valley) of connected safe, and direct cycle & micro-mobility routes per year.

Green pedestrian and bicycle traffic signal

Ways to seek change

Major roads

Local roads, pavements & paths

Moonee Valley Sustainability

Calling on Champions for Change

If you have some ideas or would like to join the group, get in touch today.

Separated bicycle lanes

Related groups

If your concern is mainly around cycling or public transport related, reach out to some friends of ours at